The drive from Dunedin to Christchruch was very flat. We were used to big hills and lots of ocean, but our drive today was almost entierly through flat plains like area. We wanted to stop and see the protected blue penguins at Omaru, but they only come out during the twighlight hours and we were a wee bit early, so we were out of luck. We looked at the penguin merchandise though, almost as good. We stopped again at the ocean, and I got my shoes all wet trying to take a picture. Then while we were walking back to the car I stepped in the most discusting pit of mud ever and had to wipe my feet off with my socks. Gross. We made it to Christchurch around 9 pm and met up with our future roommates at our future house. More on them later. We talked for a few hours, swapping New Zealand stories and just getting to know each other. We slept in a bed, which is much nicer than the back of our van.