
Normally a day reserved for fat men in lederhosen, I was a little apprehensive about going to work. I was supposed to meet Maria at 3pm, my shift started at 4pm, so that we could have lunch. However, when I arrived she was already in costume and didn't feel like walking the streets dressed like St. Pauli's Girl. I understood, as I wouldn't want to do it either. I went for a quick salad before coming back for work. The males didn't have to wear costumes, but we did get to wear t-shirts instead of the usual white button-up fare. Oktoberfest at Yellow Cross consisted of the upstairs bar being turned into a sort of dining hall with an Oompah band and a (german? it was hard to tell) mc. The band was great but the mc was a little crude even for my taste. The first few jokes he made were a little funny but I don't think i've ever heard someone make so many jokes about their own genetalia. Needless to say it got a little old. Luckily there was lots of free food, including excellent pretzels baked at a local bakery and sausages with great buns and sauerkraut. House beer and Erdinger (a German beer) were on sale along with shots of Jagger. My job was to walk through the crowd and try to sell shots of Jagger. I was suprised how many people purchased shots, especially considering they were seven dollars and Jagger doesn't really taste that good. All of the employees were given free reign to drink as much as they wanted, so of course we indulged. By 8pm, when the festivities were beginning to wrap up, I was seriously hoping that the usual saturday night crowd would be absent. Unfortunately, right on cue, at 11pm the place filled up. I ended up working till around 4am, which was a little bit too long especially after drinking for most of the afternoon. Regardless, I really enjoyed working because I actually got a chance to talk to the customers instead of simply taking their glasses. The Oompah band was considerably less noisy than the usual musicians.
