Queenstown, like most of the cities here, is really small. We walked through town twice the first day. As there is only one or two main streets, it isn't hard to see the city in an hour or two. Our hostel was on the edge of town, about a 1o minute walk from the city center. We spent most of the time walking around an planning our road trip. We ate our first New Zealand dinner in a pub called the Pig & Whistle, recommended by the hostel concierge. All of the pubs here have cool names like the Grumpy Mole or the Raving Cow. We decided to spring for something New Zealandish, or at least not American and got Pea Pie Pud, or meat pie with peas and mashed potatoes. Having never experienced a meat pie, I was blown away by the combination. I had only encountered pie of the fruit and occasionally chicken variety, but steak was an entierly new flavor extravaganza. Coupled with two excellent New Zealand brews our first meal turned out to be a good one. We were a little bit disapointed to find the prices to be on par with the US or even slightly higher (At the time of writing, it is approximately $.65 for ever $1 NZ). Feeling slightly jet lagged, we went to bed early, and we finished our first day in New Zealand feeling full and ready to tackle whatever adventures lay ahead of us.