The Main Event: New Zealand Vs. USA

Haha, just kidding, I'm pretty sure that we all know how that fight would turn out. I've heard tell that the New Zealand Army is very sheepish (I'm sure that no one has ever used that joke before). All kidding aside though, the radio commercials for the NZA are quite humerous. They offer: A chance to meet some great mates, the opportunity to travel, a great way to get in shape. These aren't verbatim, but they are pretty close. This entry is actually about things that I like about New Zealand and things that I don't. I'll start with the things that I like.

  • I like that they have convenience stores on every corner, even in big cities. It's incredibly hard to find cheap snacks in places like Vegas and New York, not a problem here.
  • Cars here are unbelievabley cheap
  • The scenery really is unmatched. I haven't been to that many places, but I have a hard time believing that there are other countries with this much natural and well preserved beauty
  • I like sheep
  • I like pies with meat in them
  • I like the weather, it turns on a dime, drastically sometimes, and it really makes the day interesting
  • I like being less than two hours from the beach no matter where you are
  • New Zealand souvenir shops seem to be low on junk, high on nice stuff. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of junk, but its offset by a very wide selection of local products
  • Driving anywhere is amazing, the scenery changes so fast, its worth it just to hop in a car and drive in any direction, you're bound to see something
  • Everything is so clean, it makes me sick. Just kidding, about the sick part
  • There are so many flat open grass fields (including parks and rugby pitches and stuff). There really aren't enough of these in the US, especially in Washington. I guess its just too hilly
And the things I dislike
  • They don't ever have things for a dollar, makes sense given the exchange rate, but I still miss it
  • When something is 2 for $2, you have to buy two, not so in the USA (this may be a grocery store and gas station things, I don't have much experience with any other kind of store)
  • Its really hard to tell if people are nice or not. Too many people seem nice at first, but then later turn out to be jerks. I feel that in the US, it's easier to tell, but I may be wrong
  • Other than Rugby, sports here seriously suck. Cricket pretty much sucks, and Netball is the worst invention of all time. This is coming from a guy who plays Frisbee quite a bit, so I think I should know which sports stink
  • Drinking just isn't cheap, there isn't anyway to get around it, albeit they don't really offer the cheap drinking options, so it isn't that anything costs more, they just don't sell lower quality products, unfortunate for all the college students
  • I don't watch much TV, in New Zealand or the states, but the free TV they have here is downright awful. It is truly the worst selection of shows on the planet. I will say this though. We came home the other night to find the roommates watching a show called the JOJO News Show. They were doing a piece on the Boobs on Bikes parade which featured much full frontal nudity. The show was on at 8pm. Either kids go to bed much earlier here or parents just don't care. Censorship obviously didn't make it across the ocean.

Hmm. I realize that many of my dislikes have to do with my eating and shopping habits. I may update this entry later when I have a little more time to think about it. Maria is already asleep though, so I suppose its time for me to turn in.


Summerof2008 said…
Hey, fellow blogger and free spirit! Way to go, I'm jealous. We just returned home from over 4 months in Appalachia (NE Georgia and North Carolina) and you might like to check out
Oh, by the way, we have met and the last time we were together we attended a concert with your parents. Your grandmother's brother, George Fischer
Summerof2008 said…
Wes, that's a great photo of 40 million sheep. Where is it? How did you happen to be there at that time and place? What was your vantage point in taking this photo?Did you talk to anyone on that occasion? What was it all about?Inquiring minds would like to know!
Wes Simons said…
well i hate to break it to you, but that photo isn't even mine. its probably not legal to have it on there, but i thought it was the best photo to represent our blog. I set the blog up before we even saw any sheep in new zealand. The picture is from google images, but hopefully i can replace it with one of our own in a week or two when we go out travelling again. So SORRY!