
We learned a valuable lesson this week, one that I would like to pass onto all of my loyal readers who may be tramping (thats NZ speak for camping and hiking) the Coromandel Penninsula anytime soon. While readying ourselves for bed in a rather dark and damp corner of the Dickson Holiday Park, we had to turn the light in our car on in order to find all of our things. Seconds after switching the light on, we were acosted by a swarm of bugs that I'm sure would have impressed the Egyptians. We tried, powerlessley, to shoo the flies out, but for each one we killed it seemed that ten more took their place. We were soon covered from head to foot in bugs and forced to vacate the car. We didn't know how to get the bugs out, but hoped that killing the light and leaving the window open with an empty but not yet clean carton of yoghurt outside would give the flys a chance to mosey out of our car on their own time. No such luck. We woke up the next morning only to find that while we had spent a chilly night in the tent, the flys had enjoyed a nice cozy night in our car, no doubt munching on our clothes. They didn't hang around this time though, and after a brief tussle, we came out on top. We've learned out lesson though. It is better to be bugged by no light, than it is to be lit with many bugs!
