Post glassiers (that's how glacier is pronounced here) we followed the coast up to Greymouth. Greymouth is the largest city on the West Coast (don't quote me on this) and it was to serve as our base for the next four days. We had to kill some time when we first arrived, so we decided to take a little hike. Our guide book reccomended the King's Domain Park hike. We drove past the entrace twice, as it happened to be in someone's backyard, very odd indeed. The book had said that the hike was a little bit of climb to some fantastic views of town. The first few minutes of the hike wern't too bad, but about half way up we began to encounter large pits of mud. It wasn't long before we were continually sludging through the stuff. Eventually we made it to the top, butnot before our shoes and pants had taken quite a beating. The hike down wasn't as bad as we knew all the sticky spots. Not quite the pleasure walk we had been hoping for. We got back to the car worn out and more than a little hungry. We had been cutting back on our food intake a bit as we were attempting to save money, so while cruising around town we were delighted to find a restaruant that offered a $6 sausage buffet. This probably wasn't going to be the healthy option that we usually chose, but it was $6 for all you could eat, thats roughly $4 US, and it came with bread and salad. Upon entering the bar/restaraunt, we were a little scared as there was one old man nursing a beer and us. We asked the bartender if the $6 dollar deal was still on and she directed us to a backroom. Don't worry, it wasn't dark and ominous, it was a ctually a well lit dining area, a stark contrast to the bar, and there was a table with buttered bread, pasta salad featuring apples and a few other goodies, a vegetable salad, and coleslaw. All of this plus all the sausages you could eat? I'll be damnned if you could find a better deal than that. The sausage wasn't even terrible, not great, but not terrible either. All in all, I would have to rate this as one of the best meal deals we've found so far. If you're in Greymouth, you should check it out.
Greymouth was also the first place that we tried out free camping. Free camping, not legal in the US, is a popular way for travellers who don't want to spend money on accomodation. Instead of pulling into a holiday park, one just looks for one of the very nicely kept up camp areas that are a little bit off the road. While the ground wasn't as nice and flat as some of the finer camping areas, it definately did the trick for the price tag.
Greymouth was also the first place that we tried out free camping. Free camping, not legal in the US, is a popular way for travellers who don't want to spend money on accomodation. Instead of pulling into a holiday park, one just looks for one of the very nicely kept up camp areas that are a little bit off the road. While the ground wasn't as nice and flat as some of the finer camping areas, it definately did the trick for the price tag.