The empire strikes back

after fiji we returned to the south island. I had a frisbee tournament to play in and maria, well she had some tagging along to do. We were lucky enough to stay with one of the frisbee players, so our accomodation didn't cost us anything. The house we stayed in was definately one of the older christchurch homes, with high ceilings and a one story floor plan. I had to get up early the first day, and since Maria wanted to come with, we were both up much earlier than usual. We got to ride in James's van, akin to taking the most aring rollercoaster in the theme park, and we found ourselves slipping and sliding acround the backseat as james took each corner with increasing speed. espite all obstacles, we arrived at the fields unscathed. I was pumped and ready to go, while maria was exasperated and ready for anap. We had a bye the first round so Maria and i mulled around watching the other teams, waiting for my game to start. It wasn't long before i had to warm up th the team. Luckily one of my teammates had a puppy that needed looking after and maria was keen to do the jobl. The first game of the tournament we played against a a weaker team and maria babysat the puppy. everybody won. this trend continued throughout the whole day as the teams we played against were considerably weaker. The only game that really matttered was the last game. We were up against the Auckland/australia team and despite our best efforts we came out on the losing side We struggled for the entire game and eventhough we fought back at the end we ended up losing. this put our record for the day at 3 - 1, not a good position for the number one team to be in.
