ultimate isn't everything

AFter the tournament we headed south to lake tekapo where we bed and breakfasteded and took in some absolutely amazing views. New Zealand really takes the cake as one of the scenically most amazing places on the planet. I haven't been to very many countries, but i find it hard to imagine that there are many places that look this good. You only have to drive for an hour or so and the scenery changes so dramatically that one thianks they've travelled half the world over. Its a very moving experience. Our stay at lake tekapo was brief, but we took full advantage of the scenery. We hiked both days and got some awesome pictures of the lake and the mountains. Once our stay in lake tekapo was finsished we headed south to mount cook. technically south isn't the correct word, as mount cook is actually north of lake tekapo, but for us it meant travelling farther away from queenstown, so we considered it south. mt. cook is perhaps the most scenic place in new zealand, offering views of both the vast moutain ranges and the lovely lowland glaciers. No matter where one turned they were over come by views that transcended the ordinary. I lost my sleeping bag in mt. cook but i still consider it to be one of the most worthwhile stops on our trip.
