R&R in Utah - Day 0

Our trip to  Utah almost got off to a very poor start. Head Packer and Baggage Arranger Borisov had done an excellent job getting everything ready to go, leaving very few things to do on the final days before we left. The only items remaining included putting Remy in the car and ensuring that the trailer was in good working order.

Senior Trailer Inspector Simons, while running through his pre trip checklist at 9pm the night before leaving, found that the batteries for the trailer were no longer working. A disaster for sure. This meant the possibility of no water pump, no lights, no heater, and no fridge. After several minutes of furious hammering, screw drivering, and near electrocution, Inspector Simons radioed into headquarters, i.e. Grandpa’s house, and they were able to diagnose a faulty switch which was causing the fully charged batteries to not work properly. A quick rearranging of some wires and the batteries were operational again. With the issue solved all systems were go for the first leg of the next day’s drive.
