R&R in Utah - Day 1

 Not much excitement today. We left at 3:40, caught the 4 pm ferry across the water, stopped for gas in Mukilteo, and we were off. We were fortunate to have exceptional weather on the first day, as driving in the rain and the wind can make hauling the trailer considerably less pleasant. Our route took us down i-405 and over to i-90 east. One item of note was that we encountered zero traffic. The planets must have been in their once a millennium perfect alignment.

Remy got a bit carsick an hour or so into the drive, and we were worried that he was going to have issues the whole trip. He perked up quickly afterwards and even managed to down a large number of pretzels without issue. While questioning whether he should be eating so many pretzels he responded, “My body can handle a lot of pretzels.” The man knows his body.

We stopped for dinner at the Yakima Public house. They had an enormous outdoor seating area that included some space for yard games. Remy utilized the grass for running sprints. This seems to be his favorite rest stop activity. It gets a little more complicated when mom and dad are trying to eat or feed him. I see why they don’t encourage the sprinters to eat during races at the Olympics, it makes the event a much uglier affair.

We setup camp at a very pleasant RV part on the Columbia river. They had pull through parking areas and a nicely set up dump station. What more could a family ask for?
