Dad woke up at 5am today to try and see the lunar eclipse. Unfortunately it was very cloudy. Those clouds came in handy later We breakfasted and broke camp a little earlier than normal today in preparation for a longer hike. The goal was to avoid the very hot afternoon sun. The aforementioned clouds did us a favor and blocked the harshest rays for the most part, but The temp still bumped up to 80 degrees.
Our hiking route was recommended by the staff at the visitor center as kid friendly and not too strenuous. We set off on a fairly easy trail between some big rocks, and then pretty quickly had to do a bit of scrambling to get up and over the rocks. No problem! After a couple of miles through some very nice sand we had to...scramble up over a very large rock wall?!?!? Easy must mean something different in Utah. We were able to get up the rock facel without too much trouble, luckily we had Ian and his girlfriend along. They had very light packs and helped get the more encbered of us up. I carried Remy, Kelly carried Bode, Dean had Regan, and Maria was carrying a months worth of water (which we drank). Now that we were through the hard part of our easy hike...wait, now we have to scramble down into the canyon? Okay, that's semi-doable and we made it down without issue. Smooth sailing from here...hold on a second, we have to crawl under this overhang and then hop a gap between two rocks? ugh. I'm not even sure I would consider this hike of medium difficulty.
After one more quick scramble down the rocks we were back on the canyon floor. Just two more miles of flat walking to get back to the parking lot! No surprises this time.
We finished up the evening with some delicious pizzas courtesy of Kelly and dean's portable pizza oven. Yum!