R&R in Utah - Day 11

 After breakfast mom, dad, and Remy packed up and then took showers! Whoooooo, slightly less stinky. We drobe out of the park, stopped for 10 minutes to look at dinner petroglyphs and then went on to Moab. We drove through and entered back into canyonlands. Our previous campsite was down in the canyon, but our next site was up on top of the canyon. This offered a rather different perspective. 

We parked our trailers at Dead Horse Point state park, unloaded our essentials, and turned on our AC unit for the first time ever. Temperatures were in the upper 80s even in the evening so we considered a necessity for keeping little bodies healthy. After unpacking we drove through the park to check out the different viewpoints. The height of the park, as well as the clear skies and relative flatness of the surrounding area, provided for expansive views of the canyon and the mountain ranges beyond. 

At one of the viewpoints Regan completed the entire trail by herself. A first! We celebrated with much fanfare and photos next to the trail map. We are looking forward to lots of future celebrations. 

We got the kids fed and to bed a little earlier than usual (not much car napping occurred that day) so the grown ups got to do some very grown up things, like playing boardgames. I would have said it was fun but Dean ended up winning.

We set our alarms for early the next morning so that we could get into Arches state park before the line started to form and the temperatures climbed too high.
