The drive from Lake Powell to Canyonlands deserves it's own post. We didn't get out of the car except for gas and a quick waste tank dump, but this part of the journey was absolutely incredie.
Passing through Monument Valley had us looking at clay red cliffs on the right. The outcrop between Each of the crevices looked as if a gigantic scalpel had been used in an attempt to carve vaguely human figures into the side of the rock. Some were portly, while others were tall and thin. They blended together like an enornous crowd of red rock people with the Mesa stacked on top of their heads.
On the left we saw a sea of orange and red sand, with enormous rocks rolling up like waves Scattered throughout were large black spires sticking straight up like abandoned (still inhabited?!?!?) Wizard's towers, each more ominous than the last.
It was a truly breathtaking drive, and not just due to being a mile above sea level.
Driving through Utah just keeps getting better. The last 20 miles of the drive into our canyonlands campsite wove between enormous red rock formations, some streaked with color and others dotted with caves. It was hard not to stare but the road was narrow and windy so I had to settle for quick glances.
We camped at the Needles campground. Everything, and this is a very liter everything, was covered in red dirt. Withing thirty seconds of our arrival Remy's skin was a deep ochre. The dirt was perfect for digging holes and pretending to bake (red flour). Regan was particularly fond of picking the juniper berries growing around the campsite in preparation for an enormous berry festival she was hosting.
Our friend Ian, a teammate of mine and Dean's from back In our more athletic days, and his girlfriend drove down to spend a few days hanging out. Ian lives in Salt Lake City (as of three weeks ago) but had been doing some mountain biking in Moab. Remy found his mountain bike very interesting.
We had chicken curry for dinner, thanks Maria!, The moon was full and we got to see an excellent moon rise. It was bright orange and absolutely enormous. Regan dropped some very good moon facts. bet you didn't know that the moon was made of rocks and dirt! What kind of rocks you ask? Moon rocks of course