Bookin' down to Baja 2

We got up early and left our camel camp with only a quick goodbye to our new camel friends. Remy declined to give them a goodbye kiss. 

Our route had us leaving i5 just before getting into LA proper. Thank goodness because traffic in LA seems to rival Bellevue in both intensity and duration. 

We headed due east for an hour or two before turning south around the Salton Sea. We stopped for fancy coffee and brunch at a location handpicked by dad. Unfortunately they were out of fancy coffee and not serving brunch. Oh well. 

As we continued in the temperature climbed, hitting around 85 at the border. We stopped for a few minutes to get our visas squared away and then continued into Mexico.

Everyone will be pleased to know that our tradition of everyone in the car yelling just as we get across the border continues. Even Remy got in on the action. We sorted things out quickly and hopped onto the highway that would take us all the way to Sam Felipe. 

After leaving the city we drive through a salt flat. It looked very flat and very salty. 
The younger members of our party napped through most of this part.

After a few hours of uneventful driving we saw the Sea of Cortez on our left and knew that we were getting close. The temperature had climbed to 95 at this point. We definitely won't be doing a lot of midday walks with Louie. 

Our Casita is lovely and has just about everything a beach going northerner could as for, including a very pretty view. 
