Bookin' down to Baja 10 - Todos Santos Week 1


Tuesday morning we got up and walked to the coffee shop across the street from our apartment. Yup, we have a taco bar behind our building, and a coffee shop across the street in the other direction. Truly an embarrassment of riches. Las Tunas (tunas is Spanish for prickly pear) would be very easy to miss if you weren't looking for it, especially when they aren't open. Their entrance is a large metal gate completely covered in foliage that blocks all views of the seating area. Luckily, we can smell coffee from a mile away so they couldn't hide from us. We arrived a little before opening but the staff was kind enough to let us sit on their patio. The restaurant also supports a small garden where they grow vegetables for their food. Remy spotted a few banana trees growing as well. 

We had an uneventful day, and Remy managed to come back from the beach covered in sand, per his usual. The sand in Todos Santos is particularly coarse and sticky. Walking in it is quite challenging as there isn't really a compacted area where you can find solid footing. Walking while carrying Remy in a backpack is exceptionally tough. Mom has estimated that her leg muscle will have doubled in size by the time we get back to the US. We've tried a number of different tactics to remove the sand from Remy's body, including showers and wiping with just about every fabric imaginable. We haven't found anything that was particularly effective. 

Dinner on Tuesday was takeout from the build-your-own bowl restaurant next door to the taco stand behind our house. I don't know how they managed to cram so many restaurants into such a small space, but I'm glad that space seems to be in orbit around our building. Dad had rice, chicken, and tofu; Mom had rice with fish, and Remy ate meatballs. He hasn't quite worked up to the complexity of dishes with mixtures of different foods yet. 


We made breakfast in our apartment and then split for the work day. Remy went with Mom to the pool at a local hotel for some swimming. Dad and Louie went to meetings and got some work done. Louie's contribution is usually testing the noise cancelling capabilities of my headset. 

Remy very much enjoyed the pool. He swam many laps with Mom. He was always very excited to tell Dad that it was an infinity pool.

After nap time we took Louie for his evening walk on the beach. 

In the evening we went into town and walked around a bit. We wanted to check out some of the restaurants on our list to see what the seating situations were like. Regardless of COVID, most of the restaurants here have outdoor seating because the buildings they are in don't have roofs. It only rains an average of 13 days in Todos Santos, and most of those are in September. All of the places that we've eat so far have been open air, or at the very least in a courtyard where you walk in through the building and the seating area/center doesn't have a roof. It is nice for both COVID safety and comfort in the heat. 

We had dinner at Jardin Alquimia, which is supposed to have some of the best cocktails in Todos Santos. We tried two of the five drinks they had, one was a blackberry tequila base and the other was a Midnight Sazerac. Both were very tasty.

The restaurant was serving wood fired pizza and we sat right next to the prep counter so that Remy could watch them make pizza.

There was going to be live music that night but no one in our party (except maybe Remy) wanted to stay up late enough to watch the performance. We decided that ice cream was more entertaining anyway.
