Bookin' down to Baja 14 - Week 2 Thanksgiving

 On Wednesday we were wrapping up the work week. Mama had lots of meetings so Remy, Dad, and Louie went for a walk. We also made a quick trip to our neighborhood coffee stop to retrieve a chocolate chip muffin for Remy and a matcha latte for Mom (her new favorite drink!). 

That evening we met up with our south going friends from and Campo Archelon and Playa Requeson. We had actually seen their van when we were leaving Los Cerritos on Sunday, but didn't spend any time looking for them as we were getting dangerously close to encroaching on Remy's nap time. We met them at our place and walked to the beach for some sandy play before dinner. We saw lots of whales, and Remy and Lucas built some caves in the sand dunes.  

We had planned to go to 5 Tacos and a Beer for dinner, given the proximity, but they were mysteriously closed. We instead opted for the BBQ restaurant nextdoor. We walked in and were told to seat ourselves. This worked out excellently because one of the tables was in a boat! Here you can see Remy captaining us on our dinner voyage while we enjoyed our food.

Our dinner ended abruptly when Lucas bumped his head on the bottom of the table. We originally thought it wasn't a big deal, heads had been bumped at least three or four times already, but when it started to bleed profusely Ashley and Sebastian (Lucas's parents) decided that a trip to the clinic was a good idea. It turned out that the screws holding the table together were poking out in a few places, and Lucas has managed to catch one. Luckily everything was fine. After a quick cleaning the folks at the clinic sent Lucas home and he was soon in good spirits. 

The next morning we got up early to say goodbye to our friends. They had parked their van in front of our apartment and we saw them off as they headed back up north to Loreto for a few days before planning to catching a ferry to the mainland to continue their adventure. 

After much waving as the drove away we hopped in the car to head to breakfast at Doce Cuarenta (Dad's favorite coffee spot). We tried to take the back road but ended up turning too soon and taking a detour through one of the residential parts of town. A few course corrections later and we were back on track. We ordered an extra large breakfast of cinnamon roll, croissant, lots of coffee, biscuits, yogurt, granola, and chilaquiles. Our motto has been "if you can't decide, just get them all." Notice the very nice outdoor seating and Remy's improving barista skills. 

After breakfast we hit the beach for some relaxing sand time. For most of the morning we played bakery. Remy was the manager (self appointed), Mom did the baking, and Dad was the salesman. We sold a lot of sand-based baked goods to the sand-based dinosaurs that were passing by. If anyone wants our recipe for sand loaf or sand cake let me know. 

For dinner we went back to the Green Room. The sky was cloudy this time, so we got a very different sunset. Remy brought a lot of his friends with him. We had delicious fried wraps (somewhat similar to ragoons), raw fish, and tacos. The Green Room has probably the best setting of any restaurant we've been to, although if you aren't careful about where your dump truck is dumping the food can end up a little bit sandy. 

Remy did not want to share his toys.

Mom did not want to share her wine!

Mom told Remy to stand still for a minute so that the picture wouldn't be blurry. This is his "freeze" pose. 
