Our time at the little casita (small house, like a mother-in-law) has come to an end. This was a working week for both mom and dad, but we still managed to have plenty of adventures.
Jumping Fish
The Sea just outside our casita was full of a fish that loved to jump. They seemed to swim in schools of three and would all jump one after another. You could see them from sun up to sun down. We tried to snag one while paddle boarding but they were too clever for that. They ranged in size from a pound or two to what seemed like much larger. No word on whether or not they are edible.
Our casita was entirely solar powered, and this worked great until one of the panels stopped generating power mid week. This wasn't a huge problem midday, but by the early morning (following the night time with no sun) the batteries were toast. We had a very brief power outage but our host had several generators available for just such an incident. We ran the generator a bit each day to keep the batteries topped off. He was able to get the panel fixed after the second day.
This worked great. No complaints, especially given our location.
After an afternoon stroll on Wednesday, Maria reported seeing an odd looking fish washed up on the shore. When we went out to investigate we noticed that there were dozens of them all over the beach. Not sure what event caused that, and it didn't seem like their numbers grew as the week went on. They quickly turned into jerky in the sun, or got picked apart by the gulls. No word on if they were edible.
Wes found a tiny octopus on the beach. It was still moving so he put it back in the water. Hopefully it survived.
Fire ants
Everyone got bitten by a fire any. Remy took one on the toe on the second day. Dad got one on the lower leg and one on the hand. Mom got one on her ankle accompanied by quite a bit of swelling. Not fun for anyone and very itchy/burn-y for a while.
We saw one scorpion in the Casita as we were packing up. We saw a second one as we were getting ready to leave. We covered it with a dustpan and left it alone.
It is quite hot. Temperatures were usually in the upper 80s. Louie likes to go for a walk anytime before 8am, and then he is usually parked in the shade until 5pm. We occasionally got a nice breeze off the water but the sun still dominated. Nights have been pleasant with the fan on.
We had tacos every night except one. No complaints here. Remy stuck with meatballs, avocado, and tortilla (basically taco fixings), but has been adventurous in trying things.
We are now continuing our journey South!