Bookin' down to Baja 4 - Campo Archelon

For the last four days we've been staying at Campo Archelon, a turtle sanctuary turned camp/resort in Bahia de Los Angeles (no, we aren't back in California). Our little house was surprisingly well appointed, and was about a 30 second walk to the beach. 

There were a number of factors that made this a very memorable stop on our trip.
1. The beach ended in a spit with a lighthouse on it. We walked here most mornings and evenings. The sunrises over the islands in the Gulf were particularly nice.
2. The inland side of the spit is a very large marsh that is home to lots of birds 
 including sand pipers, egrets, pelicans, and herons.
3. Just before the lighthouse were some small dunes with lots of plants growing on them. Remy thought this looked like a giant maze, and he was very pleased with being able to get through it.
4. The water in the Bahia was much calmer than San Felipe. We were able to get in a family paddle boarding session and a few solo sessions. 
5. The water was also much shallower. Remy and Maria saw several different fish and some sea stars.
6. We built a lot of sand castles. Also a sand parking garage, a sand harbor, and moats of all different sizes. Wes has perfected a system for building tunnels and bridges. He hasn't figured out how to make his sand structures Louie proof. 
7. The staff was very friendly. One of the boat captains gave Remy a small helicopter toy that he enjoyed a lot. 
8. The small cafe in the camp had excellent food and very good coffee. It was a welcome break from our week of twice a day tacos. They also made a chilled matcha drink that Maria was very fond of. We drank a lot of caffeine. 
9. Louie made friends with some of the dogs that lived in the camp. He played with them for almost five minutes before getting tired. Such an energetic boy!
10. Maria was able to get a daily swim session in. The water is very warm. 
11. We were able to talk to a few other travelers and the owners of the camp. Human contact is good I think?

We decided not to change our clocks with  daylight savings time, as we would be moving forward an hour when we drive south. This prevented us from having to try and adjust Remy's schedule. He has been waking up very early already (too many exciting things to do), so we didn't want to risk losing much more sleep. 

We are heading south again to Bahia Concepcion for a few days before making the final jaunt to Todos Santos. Bahia Concepcion is where we stayed on our very first Baja trip!
