What a day! There was sun. There was wind. Castles were built. Castles were crushed. Gobs of sunscreen were applied, and beach napping was attempted (largely unsuccessful).
We decided to return to Remy's first ever Baja Sur beach, as it has covered areas and is only a few minutes south of Mulege. We got an earlier than usual start thanks to Mr. Getupandstartwrigglingatthecrackofdawn.
The beach had only a few overnighters scattered about when we arrived. There was no trouble finding a palapa to toss our stuff under.
The wind hadn't picked up yet so we hopped onto the paddle boards for a cruise around the bay. We are now inside the Bahia Concepcion, which has not only a lot of rocky islands, but also a lot of sea life to go along with crystal clear waters.
We saw lots of fish and lots of birds. A school of fish followed Dad's paddle board and repeatedly bumped into the bottom of it. It was a slightly unnerving situation. Hopefully they weren't mistaking it for a giant candy bar.
Back on the beach we pursued a number of activities, including sand castle building, mangrove exploring, and playing water bears. This mostly involved splashing and trying to catch fish for supper.
Remy very much wanted to catch one of the minnows swimming In the shallow water. He even invented a special bait water to utilize in our pursuit. Alas, with only a bucket and a very small net at our disposal we weren't able to catch any of the very fast moving fish.
Remy spent almost the entire day in the water. He has previously been somewhat hesitant to play too close to the waves, but the relatively calm waters of the bay probably helped to bolster his courage. He even dunked his head a few times and practiced holding his breath. Here he is doing water handstands.
Our day wrapped up with a pleasant surprise, local fisherman selling ceviche at the beach. We got a big bucket to share. It was delicious.
We turned in early after all that sun and lack of napping. Tomorrow we head to explore another beach before making our way to Loreto for a few nights.