Bookin' down to Baja 7 - Playa Requeson

We got up slightly less early today, made some pancakes, and jammed everything into the back of the truck for our drive to Loreto. 

On the way south we stopped at Playa Requeson. This is a beach that we've driven past many times but never stopped at. Requeson is a long spit of sand that sticks out into the bay, giving you twice as much beach for your money (there is a $5 charge to contribute to maintaining the beach, but we definitely got $10 worth of beach time). We pulled in next to a palapa and noticed a familiar looking van in the next spot over.  

During our stay at Campo Archelon we met anothet family driving south through Baja. Their eventual destination is the southern tip of South America. They are slightly more adventurous than us. They had left Campo Archelon two days before us, and we didn't know if we would see them again. Lo and behold we had parked right next to them.

Remy and their son Lucas (20 months) swapped sand toys. Lucas has a great big red truck that Remy used for just about every conceivable task, including grinding wheat, performing some light engine repairs, and also driving around the beach. Lucas did a lot of digging with Remy's shovels and scoopers. 

Mom and dad got to have some nice conversation that didn't involve trucks or construction equipment (although we did talk about their van). It was a pleasant way to spend a morning. The wind was whipping by about 10 am so we didn't get much time out on the water. 

We bid farewell to our new friends around 1230 and got back on the road for the last hour-ish to Loreto. We had a quick stop at the brewery in town for chocolate clams (no actual chocolate, just a brown shell), tacos, and Maria's favorite orange cake.
 Refueled, we completed our driving for the week and arrived at our residence in Loreto Bay.

We headed quickly to the pool where Remy showed off some excellent swimming ability. Our first two restaurant choices weren't available, so we hoped that our third option wouldnt disappoint. We had steaks and Remy ordered fettuccini with butter, which he declared the most delicious noodles ever. The steaks were great and we had a nice evening walk now that we are in a place with streetlights. 

Two more days of playing in the pool and then just five more hours to Todos Santos.
