The drive from Loreto to Todos Santos was uneventful. Remy took a very long nap and we didn't run into any roadblocks, real or figurative. We passed quickly through the outskirts of La Paz and headed due south to Todos Santos.
It was very hot when we arrived, around 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures are supposed to go a bit as the week goes on. We quickly escorted Remy and Louie inside while we unloaded everything for our long term stay. Unloading was a relatively quick process thanks to Mom's excellent packing skills.
The heaviest item we have is our large cooler. Experts guessed it weighed around 150+ pounds fully loaded, in addition to being somewhat awkward to carry. Dad managed to bring it up the stairs and get it into the apartment in one very sweaty drip. Everyone applauded.
When we were finished getting situated we decided to walk down to the beach. The route to the beach is a dirt road just outside our apartment, and it takes about 10 minutes to complete the walk. Once you are on the beach you can walk several miles in either direction. We saw a few whale pods passing through. Their spouts are very apparent from the beach. It was hard to tell if they were grey whales or humpbacks. We will bring the binoculars in the future to help with identification. We kept our walk short the first day as it was still quite hot outside and we are always concerned about both of our children overheating.
For dinner we went to the taco stand behind our apartment. Yes, you read that right. It is literally behind the building we are staying in. I can't tell if the residentials areas are encroaching on the commercial areas, if the commercial areas are encroaching on the residential areas, or if they've just always been sort of mingled.
The restaurant was aptly named "5 Tacos and a Beer." For 150 pesos , around $8, you get five different tacos and a beer. One of my favorites was the tempura battered cauliflower. Mom opted for a margarita instead of a beer and claimed it to be the best margarita she's ever had. We think the secret is that they use a few drops of orange syrup to add sweetness. Further investigation is probably needed. Remy had a hot dog for the first time and declared that he liked it. I think he mostly liked eating the bun but we will see if future hot dogs are met with enthusiasm.