Bookin' down to Baja 9 - Back to work in Todos Santos

Our first full day in Todos Santos! Dad got up early to take Louie for a walk before the temperature outside got too hot. Under current conditions Louie is up and about before 8am and after 5pm. For most of the rest of the day he is napping in the corner. Our apartment stays relatively cool during the day, and we have fans going to keep the air moving. Our building is made out of cement, like most of the buildings here, and it stays a fairly consistent temperature. It is definitely warmer in the afternoon and evening after baking in the sun all day, but it isn't unbearable. 

Dad and Louie were able to catch the end of the sunrise from the beach.

Our morning walk was very pleasant. We left around 6:20am and we met a few other folks walking as well. There are a lot of dogs around our house, but all of the ones we have met on the road have been friendly. Here is Louie meeting a pack out for a walk. It is a little hard to tell if all of these dogs have owners, but they are all wearing collars so I suspect someone is at least watching out for them. 

After we finished walking we headed to Doce Cuarenta for breakfast and coffee. Doce Cuarenta is a coffee shop that we frequented when we were last in La Paz. They built a roasting facility and cafe just outside of Todos Santos that was being completed during our last visit. It is now fully open and operational and offers a great spot for both coffee and warm breakfast. They have a huge indoor area and an expansive outside seating area with lots of plants and shade. Mom and Dad got some fancy coffee drinks and excellent chilaquiles. Remy had a smoothie, a biscuit, part of a scone, some fruit, and some yogurt. He is very much a grazer but his willingness to try things is increasing every day. 

After breakfast Dad and Louie retreated to the office while Mom and Remy went to the beach. Remy napped in the afternoon, Mom got a few hours of work in, and we headed out in the evening for our dinner reservations at the Green Room. 

We took Louie along, no dogs allowed in the restaurant, and hoped that it would cool down enough after our beach walk so that we could leave him in the car. Unfortunately it did not, so Dad drove him back home to the safety of AC. The road to the Green Room isn't long, only about 3 miles from our apartment, but it is unpaved and very bumpy. On the way back to the restaurant the gas can in the bed of the truck tipped over and leaked a bit. Very smelly. Luckily we had already removed most of our things so there wasn't too much cleanup. 

The Green Room is a restaurant on the beach. Our table and chairs were in the sand, and we also had a nice fire pit to add to the already stellar ambiance provided by the ocean. We had some outstanding tacos, octopus tostadas, and some more excellent margaritas. Our first full day was definitely a success. Now we just have to make sure that the next 60 are just as good or better!
