Bookin' down to Baja 18 - Meet the Perros

Our daily, sometimes twice daily, and occasionally thrice daily, walks to the beach take us past a number of dogs that we've become acquainted with. Immediately across the street is the barkiest dog that we've ever met, but he lives in a big fenced-in yard so we've never actually gotten to meet him. Maybe for the better. He barks incessantly every time we walk by with Louie. 

Two houses down from our apartment are two more dogs that also live in their fenced yard. One is exceptionally barky (he gives barky number one above a run for his money), and the other likes to stand next to the barky one and watch him bark. It looks to me like the non-barky find the barky one amusing, but it is hard to tell. 

Further down the street are two more very barky, although very small dogs. These guys yap all the time. This concludes the barking gauntlet of our morning walk and we quickly get into a calmer section of the neighborhood. 

Also at the end of the street, although sometimes on other streets, and sometimes we have no idea where, lives a striped dog that Remy named Frodo. Frodo is very fond of us, likely because we sometimes give him treats, but also because I think he likes the attention and likes going on walks with us. Frodo and Louie get along splendidly, which is to say they mostly seem indifferent to each other. One day we were walking by the empty lot at the end of the street when one rather tough sounding dog came ambling over to us. Frodo gave him a very pointed bark and he turned around and left us alone. In thanks for Frodo's effort to provide us safe passage we gave him some dried duck treats. We guessed that he might be only dog within a hundred miles that has eaten dried duck without finding it lying haphazardly on the side of the road. 

Here are Remy and Frodo:

Here are Remy and Louie and Frodo. I think Louie can smell where that duck treat might have gone.

Once you turn the corner toward the beach there are a lot of other doggies, although we see them less frequently. There are two that live right on the corner, named Hoover and Kirby, and their friend Goose lives not too much farther along, and a group of dogs that are normally out for a walk early in the morning. Here is the dawn patrol meeting Louie at the beach:

Due to the outdoor nature of many of the restaurants, we often have the pleasure of being joined for dinner by a few furry friends as well. 

Other than one instance where Louie got chased by a French Bulldog, and the aforementioned tough dog that Frodo scared away, we haven't had any issues. The vast majority of the dogs we meet are very kind, or just don't care much about us or Louie. 

A few quick dining updates.

Taller 17: We've stopped here a few times. They have good coffee and some of the best pastries in town. 

Some of us prefer our breakfast to be a little more artistic

La Esquina: Second time around going here for breakfast. We've deemed their food to be very good but their coffee to be only meh. Luckily they also have excellent juice (everyone was a big fan of the sandia jugo (watermelon juice)). They also have a playground in the restaurant. Not many places outside of Chuck E Cheese's can say that. I would also venture a guess that despite being in a sand pit this one is actually cleaner than the one at Chuck's. 


Pacifica Fish Market: Exceptional fish tacos. Probably the best we've ever had. Pacific is a fish brand that operates fish markets, restaurants, and guided fishing trips. Searching "todos santos fish" brings up their restaurant and facebook pages as some of the top results, which at the very least speaks to their popularity. We tried the taco sampler, which includes fish three ways: grilled, blackened, and fried. All were excellent. We also got a tuna appetizer that was equally delicious. The tuna was perfectly cooked, unlike the fish brick that we usually end up making at home. We should have asked for their recipe. 

The Green Room: We've eaten here a few times already, and they have simply the best ambiance for an evening dinner. It also helps immensely that Remy can sit and play in the sand while we have drinks or after he finishes his dinner. It is only a a few miles away, but the road is very rough. On our last trip we also saw a large tarantula crossing the road! We speculated as to why he was crossing the road and Remy offered up "to get to the other side." The restaurant is on the beach, but the parking lot is a hundred yards away or so. To get to the restaurant you walk through a well lit tree labyrinth. Remy enjoys this part very much. 

Cooking up something special, right at the table.
Tostadas with raw fish.
Tuna pate. They have absolutely the best Ritz crackers. 
Post dinner books.
