Bookin' down to Baja 20 - La Playa

We spend a lot of time at the beach. Here are some of our favorite beach activities:

  • Scratching our backs on the very scratchy sand.
  • Building sand cities with nice big walls to keep the waves out. The walls rarely work.

  • Playing crabs. Look at my enormous pincers!
  • Burying people.
  • Lots and lots of walking!
  • Sometimes lots of running.
  • We make baked goods out of sand for Louie.

  • Watch the sunset. Pssst, you're looking the wrong way.
  • Watch the gliders.

  • Toss the ball. 
  • Make caves.
  • Slide.
  • Relax.

Eats updates:

Pizza Romantica we ended up here a little by accident. We were planning on going to the cocktail bar that we thought was across the road from our apartment, but, after wandering around a bit we couldn't locate it. We eventually learned that they had closed down a while ago and moved further south near Cerritos beach. We pivoted and drove into town for pizza. The restaurant was full, but we were able to snag the last table outside on the patio area. This worked fine as Remy was extra squiggly this evening. We had two very good pizzas, some very good vegetables, and Remy ate a plate full of noodles. 


Doce Cuarenta for Dinner. We've previously only been to Doce Cuarenta for breakfast, but they are in fact open all day, every day. We didn't get coffee on this trip, but they have an ample selection of craft beer in the fridge, so we took the opportunity to try a few different things. We had a burger (too large to eat, Dad had to deconstruct it), corned beef baguette, salad, and some fruit. No Play-Doh was consumed. We also got a large slice of chocolate pie that we couldn't finish. Remy might have been able to finish it but it was getting late and a whole slice of chocolate pie right before bed wasn't likely to end well.

Chef Remy at work.

This is Dad's "we're taking too many pictures" face.


Gena said…
Wes Wes Wes! Thank you for being such a Wes as you are. Keep this way (and I know you will). Stay in the happy places (as you do). Happy birthday to you!