Bookin' down to Baja 29 - Louie

You might not know it from some of the posts, but there are actually four members of our family. Louie has done a surprisingly good job of adapting to Baja life, and I would venture a guess that he actually enjoys it. 

The biggest differences for Louie are likely the temperature and the lack of yard space. At home the temperature rarely gets above 75 degrees, and those days are normally relegated to a few weeks in the summer months. Here upper 70s is pretty much the norm, although it depends heavily on the time of day. Nights, mornings, and late evenings can get quite chilly as the sun disappears, and this is Louie's favorite time for sure. We usually try to get a walk in before 8am, and our evening walk normally takes place after 5pm. On hotter days this evening walk can still be a bit of a slog if we don't have much cloud cover to keep the sun off of us. A dip in the ocean might help to cool off our furry friend, but as we previously mentioned he won't go near it. 

Louie is not given free reign outside the house like he is at home. He's demonstrated a few times that he isn't the most nimble dog around vehicles, so we keep him on his leash unless we are on the beach. This can be a bit of a disadvantage when the local dogs want to play because trying to run and chase while tied to a person isn't easy. 

Luckily, the beach makes for a great yard. Over the past few weeks, likely related to the temperatures dropping a bit, Louie has made ample use of the long sandy stretch of coastline to play with his perro friends. Tigre and Pinto regularly accompany us on our walks, and both of them seem to enjoy playing with Louie on the beach. All of the extra running, not to mention running on the sand, seems to be an excellent substitute to having a big yard to wander around in. 

Everyone gets a hug when they are finished playing.

Louie is even continuing to make new friends. Here is the black dog that lives just up the road from the entrance to the beach. We don't know her name but Remy calls her "Tire-y" because her coat is the same color as a tire. 

More post playing hugs.
