We took Lucas and Alex to Oystera Garden for brunch following our night of hilarious and exhausting escapades (see blog #34 for more details). Remy of course had to show everyone how the cannons work. We also met a very interesting little spider. This is an orb-weaver spider.
Brunch was yummy, as always.
After brunch we took another trip to the beach for some walking and playing. Dad and Remy were feeling particularly bouncy.
We also practiced our cartwheels with varying degrees of success.
During naptime Dad, Alec, and Lucas played some boardgames. When Remy woke up he was eager to join in. He definitely had the most coffee beans in his warehouse.
Playing boardgames can be exhausting when you're using so much brain power.
With the sun setting we went back to the beach one more time for the day. Remy picked up his tumbling right where he left off, Louie played with Tigre, and we all got to enjoy a wonderful sunset.