Our first day on the road is in the books. We had a highly efficient drive, managing to squeeze four and a half hours of driving into ten hours. Whew!
We started thing off right by getting up early and heading straight out the door with coffee we prepared the night before and reheated. The ferry lot was full when we arrived, which was strange but not totally unanticipated. All we have to do is wait 30 minutes for the next ferry! Er....mechanical issues means we are down to one ferry. Make that wait 70 minutes!
We had pastries and egg salad in the ferry parking lot while we waited, so it was not a total loss. Once we were on the mainland we were off to the races! Er...wait we need to stop for gas. Okay! Gas tank full and we were off the races! Snail races.
Traffic was not horrible but we were moving slower than we would have liked through Seattle. Past Seattle things opened up and we were off to the races! Er...now it is pouring rain and driving fast with a trailer in pouring rain seems unsafe. Leisurely stroll races it is!
The weather let up a bit as we got through central Washington and we were off to the races! Er...we need a bathroom stop and we might as well fill up the gas tank again. Also the line at this gas station is long but we can't really turn around. Off to the waiting races!
Remy has grown very fond of listening to stories in the car, so mom planned ahead and download several read alouds from YouTube. They keep Remy very engaged, although dad sometimes finds it hard to follow the story without the pictures Remy's favorite from today was about a polar bear who ends up in a forest somewhere more southernly and is mistaken for a "boogie bear" by all the local brown bears. Remy laughed repeatedly at the word boogie. The brown bears start out tormenting the polar bear but then one of the brown bears becomes infatuated with the polar bear's butt and they fall in love and live happily ever after. I know surprising twists are popular but this one really threw me for a loop.
Not much farther to go now. We just need to get across the border and, er...dad has an hour long meeting so let's stop at the park. Meeting finished! We are off to the races! Er...traffic again through Portland. Okay that's behind us we're off to...oh what the heck? Why is there traffic going into McMinville? Okay we're thirty feet from our RV spot, off to the races!
We did make it eventually, just 4 hours later than we originally planned. Everyone was very tired when we arrived so we enjoyed a takeout sushi dinner (with meatballs and grapes for some of us), did a few mazes, and called it a night, but not before an epic battle between Superman and our newest transformer Grapple!