Remy's Rad Road Trip 2022 pt. 24

We continued our stay in Tucson by moving to a hip camp on the north end of town. this particular camp/homestead was a bit away from any sort of urban development, and butted up against a nature preserve. This meant  we were a bit closer to wildlife than if we had been staying right in town. 

We had a bit of a problem the first night with some strange animal sounds. We couldn't identify what was making the noise and some of the members of our party had their imagination run in a direction that resulted in more than a little fearfulness. Luckily our stuffed animal pile in the bed has a very calming and therapeutic effect. 

In the morning Dad and Emma went for a walk and were able to pinpoint the origin of the sound. Cows! Baby calfs to be exact. 

Mom and Dad worked Monday through Thursday, and Remy got lots of outdoor playing in thanks to a stark jump in temperature. We seemed to finally have outrun our cold front and saw the thermometer touch 70 a few times. It was still chilly at night but nothing that we couldn't manage with a sweatshirt or some extra blankets.  

We supped one night at Dove Mountain Brewery just down the road that had more than 25 beers on tap from various breweries in the area. We got to try lots. Remy had chocolate milk. He gave his compliments to the bartender. Although we were staying out in the desert, it was only a few minutes back to paved roads and strip malls. There was also a golf course on the other side of the nature preserve. I guess we were staying in a kind of reverse oasis. Just a bit of desert sandwiched between a whole lot of civilization. 

The only other incident of note occured Thursday morning when Dad and Emma went wondering through the nature preserve across the road. One of the issues with walking in the desert is that trails and washes look remarkably similar, especially at 630 am before the sun is up. By the time the sun did come up Dad and Emma had gotten a bit lost. It only took about 15 minutes to reorient but in that time Emma stepped on a cactus and got several spines stuck in her foot. Dad performed emergency spine removal surgery and all appears to be well. 
