Remy's Rad Road Trip 2022 pt. 33

Our last few days in Santa Barbara were work days, which meant lots of trailer time for Remy and the whole family. Remy and Mom went to the zoo one day, and Remy got to go on a train trip around the zoo. He also brought home two more stuffies to add to his collection. Can you spot the otter? We might need a third bed in the trailer soon. 
We went back to our sunset beach two more times. It was great for short walks, sunsets, and dog running. Emma really loves the beach. Of all of our family members she might enjoy it the most. There are not very many other places where she can really let loose without crashing into something. That isn't to say she doesn't crash into things. Remy has been on the receiving end of a few Emma tackles, and Mom and Dad have both had to drive out of the way a couple of times.  
Also of note was some excellent Mexican food that for some inexplicable reason was very reasonably priced. We've come to expect food and beverages to be costly, but this restaurant was very affordable, had healthy portions, and was darn good. An excellent find by Mom. There were also gourmet cookies next door.  The gourmet milk glass was our addition. 
