Remy slept for most of the drive from Ek Balam to Chiquita and woke up just before we got out of the car to jump on the ferry. The "fast ferry" wasn't very fast, especially compared to the Whidbey ferry, but it was nice to sit outside. The seagulls loved the ferry and were happy to take offered (and unoffered) snacks out of people's hands.
When we arrived on the island a taxi (golf cart with off-road tires) was waiting for us. There are very few full sized vehicles on the island and zero paved roads. Only the construction workers and delivery drivers are allowed to drive something larger than a golf cart. There are plenty of mopeds, golf carts, and motor cycles zipping around, and also lots of folks on bikes. Our taxi wound through what seemed like an endless number side streets before arriving at our hotel, although it had rained while we were en route so he might have been avoiding puddles.
We unloaded our luggage into our cabin, changed clothes, and immediately headed to the beach. There aren't many maps on the island, and the directions from our host were a bit confusing, so we immediately became disoriented. We decided that just walking was the best bet and wandered around a bit in both directions in the beach. Eventually we got hungry and headed inland. We found a wood fired restaurant (they cooked all their food in a wood fired oven or over an open flame) and had a wonderful dinner.
When we arrived back at our compound Linnea, Chris, and Elizabet had just arrived. They dropped off their luggage and we headed back out for a second dinner at the pizza restaurant. When they had finished certain members of our party were very sleepy (his name starts with R and ends with emy). We turned in for the night dreaming of sand castles and beach explorations.
Unfortunately, our plans were slightly derailed. We got up earlyish and walked into town for a very nice cup of coffee. Dad was pleased. The walk from our accommodation to downtown is a pleasant 15 minutes. When we returned from coffee a breakfast of empanadas and eggs with tomatoes was waiting for us. Delicious. After breakfast we were headed to the beach but Remy's tummy started acting up. In hopes of righting his gastrointestinal ship we cancelled our morning beach plans are took a rest day instead. After lots of books and a nap everyone was feeling better so we set off for a beach walk.
We walked north east along the beach, checking out the different restaurants along the way, before settling on a very nice beach side restaurant that happened to be in hotel we are staying in for the last few days of our trip. Remy and Elisabet played in the sand while the parents enjoyed some nice cocktails and food. We were even fortunate to find "noodles sin salsa, solo mantequilla" (noodles without sauce, just butter).
After dinner we walked back through town. There was a live band in the town square so Danced for bit, found and ice cream shop, a walked back via the road. Both babies (and moms, and dads) were very tired so we called it a night.