Remy in the Yucatan pt. 9

Dad continues to be baffled by the number of fancy coffee spots on Holbox and today we went to check out Alta Nova Jazz, a very small roastery that has their coffee roaster right in the middle of the shop. There are several different beans/roasts available, and everything can be sampled. They even serve their coffee in a beer tulip. So very fancy!
Remy decided to break with tradition and ordered waffles instead of pancakes. We ate quickly and then headed back to our place for true breakfast. 

We packed up after breakfast and headed to the beach for our last day with the Hennings. We did a bit of sand building with some of the discarded construction equipment Chris had scrounged up (just pieces of PVC pipe) and then everyone went out into the water for swimming! The water here is unbelievably shallow. I don't think any one of us has ventured far enough out to not be able to touch the ground. We played several rousing rounds of Red Light, Green Light and Duck, Duck, Goose before everyone decided that dumping water on each other was much more fun. 
Remy was tuckered out after all the water play, so he turned in for a snooze as soon as we had finished lunch. 
We reunited with the rest of our party and headed into town for dinner. Remy declared that Chris and Linnea should pick the dinner spot since it was their last night here, and we all agreed with him. We settled on a taco spot that had a big spit of al pastor roasting at the entrance. Everyone enjoyed their meal, Chris drank an enormous michelada, and there was even live music again (there seems to be entertainment most nights of the week in Holbox). 
To close out the night we went to a rooftop artisanal beer bar. It had an excellent view of the city and some very interesting beers. We tried one beer mixed with mezcal though that was universally disliked by our party. Perhaps it is an acquired taste. Afterwards we wandered back home. At this point everyone was tired from the sand, sun, and the long days. 
