Remy in the Yucatan pt.1

We left Monday evening for an airport hotel due to an early morning flight Tuesday. On the drive south to Sea Tac it started to snow. This is standard as every time we leave town it snows. 

We got to the hotel with no problems and Remy promptly declared the hotel "very fancy." Either his standards are quite low or the aesthetic was designed with a four-year-old in mind. 

The lot where we were leaving our car was two miles away so dad hopped back in to drop it off. Unfortunately the lot and the hotel were only loosely affiliated so the transportation option was ride to the airport then catch the hotel shuttle back. Dad opted for walking. The weather made sure this was a bad choice, as snow continued to fall on the walk back. Dad was more than a little wet when he returned. Remy did his best to dry dad's shirt for a few minutes with the hair dryer before we headed off to bed. 

Tuesday was an all day travel day, starting with a quick ride to the airport, checking bags, and going through security. The airport was very low key and the longest line we waited in all morning was for coffee. 

Our flight was scheduled to leave around 740, but was quickly bumped back to a little after 8 for further de-icing. We boarded first (first class boarding privileges) and settled into our very comfy seats. The flight was very uneventful, we watched some videos, played a few games, and did some activities. Our in flight meal was french toast for dad and quiche for mom. Both were palatable. 

We landed and breezed through immigration and customs. Our driver picked us up just outside the airport and we set off on the two hour journey north. Unfortunately the highways are being torn up to make way for a train so the going was slower than expected. Our driver gave us the short geological history of the area (he started his lesson with the creation of the planet, so I'm not sure what the long history consisted of), and also gave us some insight into the politics of Mexico, including the silliness of a train in the middle of nowhere.

After close to three hours we arrived and had a quick home cooked dinner of tostadas and tacos. Remy was just about spent at this point so we hoofed it up to our room and turned in for the night. 
