Road Trip Remy Rides Again pt. 12

We moved our camp a few miles south  to be closer to activities for the next few days. One nice amenity at our new spot is fancy coffee from Bonfire Coffee just five minutes away. We beelined there right after dropping the trailer off and got a few cups plus a yummy breakfast. 

Afterwards we walked around the town of Carbondale and looked at all the art. Post walk we headed up into the hills for a hike around Mushroom rock. Once again we were on mountain biking trails that looked way too treacherous for anything on wheels. Mountain bikers must have some serious courage. The trail was almost straight up and required climbing overly large rocks. Luckily Remy is a hiking champion. He will hike up any distance and any elevation gain as long as someone is talking to him. 

After our morning hike we stopped by Whole Foods for a quick lunch. Remy and Dad both gave the food a meh, but Mom enjoyed her sushi. We had intended to have a picnic in a local meadow that had a trail system through it, but it was closed to dogs so we sat in the parking area. It was still quite scenic. 

We hopped back in the car after our picnic to head toward Maroon Bells just outside of Aspen. Reservations are required as it can be a very popular spot and there isn't much parking. We left the dogs in the car because a moose had recently been spotted in the area and moose do not get along with dogs. Our dogs are quite ferocious as you can tell from this picture.  Luckily they were pooped from our earlier hike. 

This hike was much less strenuous and wrapped around the lake and over a few streams. We wove in and out of Aspen groves with towering rock cliffs on either side of the trail. It felt a bit like walking through a nature painting where the artist really wanted to cram every possible scenic nature feature into one piece. Perhaps this is where all the stock nature photographs are taken. 

Wizard master Remy would do anything to protect his Aspen grove. We spotted two mooses but did not report them to the rangers. The larger one at least appeared fairly docile. 
