We said goodbye to Carbondale and headed east toward Denver. The drive out of Carbondale and Glenwood springs is one of Dad's new favorite routes. The road hugs a cliff on one side (it is near the valley floor so no white knuckling here) and follows the Colorado River as it carves through the rock. The cliffs on either side are incredibly detailed, looking almost like ancient cities. They reminded Dad of the ruins from Disney's the Jungle Book.
About halfway through our drive we went through the Eisenhower Johnson tunnel. We didn't know anything about this tunnel prior to driving through it, but it was very long and went right under a mountain. When it was constructed it was the highest tunnel in the world. The tunnel is slightly curved so that when you are in the middle you can't see the entrance or the exit.
We stopped for lunch at Cabin Creek Brewing. They were having an Oktoberfest celebration so it was quite busy. We indulged our inner German with a soft pretzel.
Post lunch everyone agreed a nap was in order, but it is hard to nap while driving so we opted for a hike at Red Rocks instead. Keeping with theme of things going on that we aren't aware of, there was a concert playing at the amphitheater later in the evening. We were worried about parking but managed to get in ahead of the crowd and get out before things really took off. The hike (Red Rocks Trading Post was a pleasant 1.5 ish miles and took us around some very large red rocks. Remy chatted away the entire time per the usual.
We finished up our hike and arrived at our hip camp for the week. They have chickens, a turkey, and some guinea fowl that like to hang out on the house roof. Remy immediately relayed our life stories to the camp host. She knows all of our secrets now.