Road Trip Remy Rides Again pt. 17

On our last morning in Longmont we decided to celebrate a successful week with donuts. These particular donuts, from Landline Donuts, were all potato based. They were very light in comparison to some of the other donuts we had, and not overly sweet. We didn't go too crazy with the flavors, but Mom declared these the best donuts so far. 
Post donuts we were immediately confronted with a problem (not donut related): Dad had an afternoon meeting that he couldn't miss, but we wanted to get  on the road early. This was a conundrum because Dad couldn't take his meeting while driving. So, in a new and shocking twist, Mom drove the trailer! We had no accidents, no jolts, no close calls, and didn't bump into anything. She's a natural. Just look at that concentration.
The temps while we were driving peaked at 91, but luckily things cooled off quite a bit as the evening wore on. It is hard to tell at the moment if the temperature dropping was related to driving into a different climate or to the later hour. We will find out tomorrow.  Our hip camp for the night is a bit in the middle of nowhere, but it is a very pretty nowhere. We are back into some desert scrubland with lots of little shaggy vegetation and not so many big rocks and boulders. Just before we turned off the road we drove through more alpine forests. Dad can't keep up with all these different biomes. 
 And finally here is Remy adding cheese to each noodle individually. He said he didn't want to waste any of the cheese as he wants to make the container last. Dad thinks he might be extending us trying to conserve water (no hookups here) to trying to conserve everything. 
