Road Trip Remy Rides Again pt.11

Our RV site in Glenwood was just a bit outside of town right on the Colorado River. By far the best part of Glenwood is the bike path that Dad is pretty sure goes all the way to Wyoming. Seriously, everywhere we've been on this trip has crazy long bike paths. On our first day in town we took the kiddo and the dogs for a long walk along the river. We took the bike path away from town and still didn't find the end of it (and we are a few miles outside of town). 

Dad was back to work on Monday.  Mom and Remy were able to rent a bike and a Burly in order to take full advantage of the beautiful, beautiful path. They also got donuts from Sweet Coloradough. Extra points for the name and the donuts were outstanding as well. The Cronut (croissant donut) was particularly good.  After work Mom and Remy went biking again while Dad and the dogs worked on their jogging. The last bit of the trail before the campground is a big hill and Dad was boasting of his biking prowess and volunteered to ride the bike (a bit small) and pull the Burly up the hill. We made it without stopping but it was a near out of body experience and there might have been some long term damage to the ol' quads. Dad and Remy both shouted a lot of strange motivational phrases in order to make it to the top. 
On Tuesday Mom and Remy rode into town to look for groceries and continue their biking tour. They even took an elevator to get down off the overpass onto the main street. After biking and work we headed to the Glenwood Hotsprings. This hot springs has two pools, one hot and one warm. The warm pool was absolutely enormous. It was easily the biggest pool we had ever seen. Dad tried to swim a single lap and got tired about 2/3 of the way through. Remy did some swim practice to make sure the skills he learned in swim lessons stay nice and sharp. For dinner we went out for burgers at Grind, a burger restaurant where they grind all of their own meat. Mom had a lamb burger and Dad had a buffalo burger. Remy demolished some chicken nuggets and a vanilla milk shake.

Wednesday was all about getting ready to go on the move again with lots of laundry, cleaning, and finishing up work projects for the week. Remy spent the morning constructing an air travel device called the i44. It featured paper wings and an enormous amount of craft tape. His butt ripped the side several times but we eventually added enough tape to hold it. I think we have a future engineer in the making. 
After work we went for a hike on the Scout trail. This trail is billed as a mountain biking trail but we couldn't fathom taking a bike on it. Most of the hike was sheer cliff on one side and it wasn't more than a foot or two wide. The hike starts in a neighborhood just a few blocks from downtown so you get a great view of the city and the mountains that surround it. After our hike we stopped in town for dinner. Remy got vanilla ice cream with his meal and Mom and Dad had a bacon churro sundae. The churro was great but the thick chunks of bacon were a bit much. Lesson learned to avoid bacon ice cream desserts in the future. 
