Roadtrip Remy Rides Again pt.3

We awoke to overcast skies and impending rain. After a quick walk with the dogs and a quick trailer breakfast we hit the road for Bozeman. Not long into the drive the rain picked up from a light drizzle to a downpour. We had to crank the windshield wipers up to full speed to keep clear visibility. 

The drive was uneventful and relatively relaxed. The low population density in Montana lends itself to not very many vehicles on the highway. That coupled with the directions once again being: get on I-90 and drive straight for three hours, made things very simple. 

When we arrived at our campsite it was still pouring rain. We parked the trailer and did a quick change into our swimsuits. Our campsite is adjacent to the Bozeman Hot Springs and we wanted to get a dip in before heading out to dinner. The hot springs are composed of several pools fed by the hot springs, and each pool is at a slightly different temperature so folks that prefer 90 degree water can get their fix, and the hard core hot springers can get in the 104 degree water. We relaxed for a bit in the warm water and then got changed for dinner. 

We dinnered with some friends who had recently (as in two weeks ago) moved from Whidbey to Bozeman. They told us about all the wonderful outdoor opportunities right out of their door, and about their worries of the impending winter weather. Dinner was American food at Squirehouse, but a lot of the dishes came with french fries so they might be confused. Everyone enjoyed their dishes, and Remy ate almost an entire steak. Mom's dish, elk bolognese, came out late so we didn't have to pay for it. Luckily we were busy talking so we hardly noticed. 

We headed back to the trailer after dinner and turned in for another early bedtime. Dad has been getting up early to walk the dogs in the morning and Remy has been skipping his nap frequently, so early bedtimes are getting to be the norm. Luckily we aren't dealing with daylight lasting until midnight like we did on our recent trip to Banff and Jasper. 
