Roadtrip Remy Rides Again pt.4

Our stay in Bozeman was limited to just a few activities: working, hanging out in the trailer, and swimming at the hot springs. 

Mom came down with an illness on Monday evening, and spent the next two days heroically trying to keep Remy occupied while Dad crammed four days worth of work into two days. Road tripping at its best!

We had a minor panic set in on Tuesday when Dad's laptop stopped working about and hour into his day. The battery wouldn't charge at all. Luckily Bozeman is a large city, but it is also a very spread out city. The nearest computer repair place was 15 minutes away so Dad cancelled meetings and hopped into the truck. Luckily the fix was simple. It turns out that this particular laptop has two places to plug in a charger. The first one was completely dead but the second worked fine. Problem solved (unless that second one decides to stop working as well). 

We've also picked up a family of flies and have been thinking up ways to get them out. Mom likes to stand next to the door and then whip it open when the flies are heading in that direction. Dad and Remy have formed a team where Remy spots the flies and Dad catches them in a cup. We've done well but they seem to keep sending reinforcements. 

The pools at the hot springs are quite nice, with three different temperature options available. Remy likes to sit in the very hot pool for 30 seconds and then jump into the colder pool (usually around 90 degrees Fahrenheit). On our last day in Bozeman he dinned his goggles and did some real swimming on his own. He even attempted to swim all the way across the pool (the short direction). Dad was very impressed. 
