Mom and Dad woke up in the middle of the night to see intense lightening and rain. Rain on the outside of the trailer always sounds like a big deal due to how much noise it makes, but it was definitely coming down hard. Just before falling back to sleep Dad had brief thoughts of the river flooding and carrying the trailer away, but everything turned out alright in the morning.
Our first morning in Salida featured a really cool sunrise. Dad and the dogs were up early enough to capture it.
Dad decided to work in the camground clubhouse instead of the trailer. This gives Remy a little more room for activities. The clubhouse is quite nice, and they have super fast Internet which is always a bonus. Walking back and forth from the trailer was a bit challenging because the wind here is intense! It must come shooting down between the two mountain ranges. If you're not careful the trailer door will slam you in the butt when you come in.
For dinner we met up with Shannon and Gabi, the owners of Maria's company. We met them at their house just outside of town and Remy had a blast looking at all of the cool artifacts they had collected on their travels. He was particularly interested in the ping pong table in their basement. That probably doesn't have a very interesting back story.
Gabi is an accomplished cheese maker and we got many samples and a tour of her cheese closet. She had quite a collection including halumi, ricotta, beer cheese, and parmesan. All were delicious.
For dinner we went to a Steak and Sushi restaurant. Our waiter was exceptionally friendly and he had lived in Salida almost his entire life. Shannon grew up in Salida (a generation or two before our waiter), but they still knew a lot of the same people and places. We toasted with a few different sakes and Japanese whiskeys before finally calling it a night. We got a bit turned around on the way home and ended up driving twenty minutes in the wrong direction. Luckily we noticed our error before getting too far and swung around back to the campsite.