Road Trip Remy Rides Again pt. 22

Halfway through the week and then things got really exciting! On Thursday we went into town for breakfast at the Little Red Hen bakery. We got to watch them making some bread in their outdoor oven. It was kneat. We stopped in at Howl, a mercantile downtown for some extra fancy coffee. Dad gave it the Coffee Snob Stamp of approval.

After work we went back to the same riverside parking lot from earlier in the week but this time we did a hike up into the hills. There are a bout 1.5 million different hiking and biking trails in Salida. Dad guesses there are more trails than people. When we finished our hike we went to Mo Burrito for dinner. We had excellent burritos, nachos, a great margarita, and a cup of Remy approved steak pieces. It was the perfect follow up to our hike. 

Friday morning was Remy and Mom activity time and they went into town for the pumpkin patch event. Remy got to tour a historical house ("they had only had an outhouse!"), ride on a horse drawn cart, pick out a pumpkin, and get his face painted. After the pumpkin patch Remy and Mom got flu shots and went Halloween costume shopping. Back at the campground Remy did some biking practice. When Dad finished work, and Mom and Dad had both taken a much needed shower, we went to meet Shannon and Gabi for a drink before leaving town. We met them at the Poncha Pub. Poncha is a new establishment, only a year old or so, but had a very locals only vibe and looked like it had been a Salida fixture for decades. The service was great, they had a good selection of beers, and the food was pretty good too!  We had planned to only stay for a bit but we ended up spending the whole evening there. 

Shannon and Dad were both very intrigued by the pickle eating contest being held the next day. The previous year's winner had eaten four very large pickles in four minutes. Shannon and Dad both did a test run with a timer and a single pickle. Both finished their pickle in about 1:20. Too slow to win the competition but definitely a decent time. 

We said our goodbyes and headed back to the campground to turn in before heading on the next leg of journey tomorrow. 
