On our last full day in Baja we decided to stick close to the water. We breakfasted at the hotel and then rented some paddle boards to explore the sea life around La Ventana a bit. The coral runs right up against the beach here, and we were able to spot a wide variety of fish from our boards.
After paddling we parked on the beach for a while to play in the sand. La Ventana is a very popular kite boarding area, but the particular day we were here had almost no wind. There wasn't anyone out in the water. We did assist the hotel staff with getting a jet ski back up the hill to the hotel. Pushing jet skis up a sandy hill is hard work.
For lunch we went into town and explored the main street a bit. There aren't more than a few shops on the main drag, so we grabbed a quick lunch and headed back for a siesta.
When everyone was rested we read books for a bit and then walked the opposite direction on the beach. We stopped at a kite surfing school/restaurant for dinner. About halfway through our meal it started raining (a rare occurrence judging by the reactions), and we quickly discovered that the covering over the patio was not water tight. It actually wasn't water anything, and the rain came right through. Luckily the restaurant wasnt too full and we were able to move back a bit into an actually covered area. The rain only lasted a few minutes and then everything went back to being dry a few minutes after that. We strolled home in the dark but our way was well lit by the moon.