Remy Reside en Baja pt.5

We are back on the going out for breakfast train! Today we drove to La Esquina, one of the places we frequented during our winter here. The one thing everyone remembered was the watermelon juice. Luckily it was still on the menu.

Remy had big fluffy pancakes, Mom had an omelette, and Dad had the biggest burrito of all time. We also bought some wood fires sourdough from the bread delivery man who just happens to come by every Wednesday morning. 

After breakfast we went home to rest (digest) and spend some time reading and playing in the pool. We also had two baby hummingbirds hatch over the previous day or so. Mama bird doesn't leave very often so picture opportunities are few and far between. In addition, they are absolutely tiny. Yesterday's photo below still has a whole egg in it but bird number two has since emerged.  Mom and Dad noticed that their beaks look more like those of a regular bird. Hopefully someone didn't swap out the eggs. 
After fully digesting breakfast we went to a new (to us) beach called San Pedrito little south of Todos Santos. We walked on the shore and in the water a bit, taking advantage of the smaller waves and gentler slope of the beach. 

For dinner we went to Herbabuena, a farm to table esque restaurant that is situated on a farm (definitely keeps transportation costs down). We had some lovely cocktails and delicious food, including the best tasting jicama ever. It was just plain jicama, but both Mom and Dad commented on how sweet and crips it was. Remy, always a person of distinguished taste, had the flank steak. He devoured it, devoured most of Dad 's string potatoes, and the wolfed down some floorless chocolate cake. Hopefully he isn't hitting a growth spurt because we are getting tired of replacing his clothes all the time. We might switch to burlap for a while. 
