Children of Dune pt. 1

Our journey to the dunes was immediately beset by peril. While prepping the trailer to go (and pick Remy up from school), Dad remembered that he hadn't pumped up the tires on the trailer's right side. No problem! Unfortunately mother nature decided that the five minutes required to perform the task were also the perfect five minutes to unleash a week's worth of rain. Mom and Dad were both soaked and we hadn't even gotten to the ferry yet. 

We nabbed Remy from school and headed south. The ferry was uneventful as usual but as soon as we hit the highway traffic kicked up. We thought that getting an early start might help us avoid the worst of it, but instead we sat in bumper to bumper for several hours before breaking free around Olympia. 

On top of our bad luck with traffic, Dad was on a mad scramble to find enough to eat after skipping lunch. The final scrounging tad a cheese burger and small can of tuna on the ferry, a bacon and cheddar bagel paired with peppers and apples in the car, and a beef and chse burrito expertly purchased and prepared by Dad at the gas station. Quite the survivalist. 

We made pretty good time down the Portland (still raining), stopped for gas, and then turned west and headed toward the coast. Our chosen highway would have been beautiful on a sunny day, with lots of overhanging trees and a very old growth atmosphere. Unfortunately it was dark, raining, and a little foggy. The road was also hilly and winding, so we stuck to ten under the speed limit and crawled all the way to the Pacific. 

We arrived without incident, depending on how severe you would rate the gas station burrito situation, and finally got set up and into bed at around 11:15pm. Remy had fallen asleep a little after 8pm in the car so at least one of us got a semi-decent night's sleep. 
