Children of Dune pt. 2

Scratch that good night's sleep part. Remy got up early, which of course resulted in all of us getting up early. 

Luckily, we brought lots of delicious coffee! Unfortunately, Dad did not pack the coffee grinder. Making coffee out of whole beans is a challenge. Several alternatives were discussed, including Dad grinding the beans with his teeth. We settled on buying coffee from the shop 100 yards from our campsite. Dad was going to ask them to grind our coffee for us but they preload their grinder for the day and had no way to swap it out. Our friends will be arriving tomorrow with a coffee grinder rescue. 

Today was get reacquainted with the beach day so we hiked up the dune and got the dogs some good exercise. About halfway through our walk the lack of sleep started to become apparent for most of the members of our party. Roz seemed unaffected. 

The beach appeared to be covered in plastic (gross), but Mom remembered that she had gotten a notification for an article about jellyfish washing up all over Oregon beaches (maybe gross?). When the jellyfish dry out they resemble pieces of plastic. We will document and update after reading about it. 

After our dune hike Remy did a little bike practice. He's getting good at balancing but needs to work on putting all of separate skills together so they he doesn't have to stop to reset. Bike practice was followed by big people biking around town and Remy riding in the kid trailer. There aren't many great bike trails here so we puttered around the side streets while Mom tested out pulling the kid trailer. Dad has been endlessly futzing with his bike since it arrived and he is continuing to futz with it. It is incredible how many times one can adjust brakes and still not be satisfied. 

We stopped for coffee in town at a shop that we hadn't tried before. It got a strong "fine" rating from Dad. 

Back at camp we ditched our bikes and headed to the pool. They don't allow bikes in the pool for some reason. Remy worked on his swimmimg a little and then we relaxed in the hot tub. Salmon burgers for dinner and an early bedtime capped off our day. 
