Children of Dune pt. 4

We awoke to a glorious day in dune land, with the sun shining and not a whisp of wind in the air. The Simons made breakfast while the very early rising Clint, Kat, and Harvey walked out to the beach. For breakfast we had waffles (very surprising!) and coffee. Thank goodness Clint and Kat were able to kidnap Dad's coffee grinder and bring it along with them. 

After breakfast we went back to the beach to attempt the dune again. This time we were unimpeded by the weather and made the climb without issue. We sat on the top to admire the view and we also got to see some paragliders taking off. 

We hustled back to camp and the boys grabbed some mini golf clubs from the front desk. Harvey and Clint were locked in a tight match (with Harvey nearly pulling off an incredible hole in one on the bridge hole), while Remy played his favorite speed mini golf game. He plays so fast you don't even have time to count his strokes. 

By mid morning we had to check out so every piled into their vehicles. We drove south about an hour to Newport to stop and check out the sea lions. We didn't want to park in town with the trailer so instead we parked at the state park and biked in. Harvey is a master bike rider. The route to town isn't ideal because it is almost all down hill and there isn't a shoulder. We've noticed that there are a lot of signs for bike routes through Oregon, but none of them feature paths or bike lanes. Strange. The sea lions were right where we left them, still piled on the same pier and still just as grumpy. 

For lunch we stopped at the Rogue Brewery. They had good beer and some truly stand out tater tots. The ride back to the cars was now almost entirely uphill so Dad took over towing Remy. No sweat going up the hill even with a kid full of french fries in the trailer.

We had a brief 45 minute drive to Carl G Washburn State Park, which some readers might remember as the site of Remy's 4th birthday camping trip. We tried to fly kites at the beach but were only able to fly one as our fancy kits was not performing well in the high winds. The boys kept getting sand in their face so we decided to go back to camp. 

Tonight was the much anticipated Pokemon Card game battle (Remy's first) featuring Team WHR (wes, Harvey, and Remy) vs. Team Clint. Team WHR's exceptional Pokemon experience and youthful exuberance were too much for Clint, who found himself pummelled by WHR's unstoppable Primeape. If none of that made sense, don't worry. You can take solace in the fact that you didn't squander hundreds of hours of your life. 

We had grilled burgers for dinner and played a few games outside under our camping lights. Everyone turned in early after such an exciting day. 
