Children of Dune pt. 5

What a day! We started with our usual waffles, coffee, and whatever Dad could find to  devour once he had finished making coffee. Coffee making in the trailer is a slow process and often takes precedent over elaborate breakfast preparation for Dad. Note that Mom spends every morning working on elaborate breakfast preparation for the boys. They demand only the best in trailer waffles.  

Afterwards we headed to the beach for a  wind free morning. We played football, soccer, and built a huge sand city. Remy and Harvey both had some interesting ideas about what a sand city requires. Remy started off building a moat and then a sewage treatment plant. Harvey added a castle that made candy and then a salon. Luckily the sewage treatment plant was finished before the candy castle so all of the run off from the candy production wasn't going to harm our citizens. 

 Next we packed up camp and drove a few miles north to the Oregon Dunes Day Use Area where we have spent many a dune-y afternoon on previous trips. Today we had exceptional weather, about 65 and sunny. We did a bit of sledding and then hiked in several different directions that we hadn't explored in previous years. It was warm enough to walk barefoot and the sand felt fabulous. At one point the adults were overrun by a pack of wild dogs (Harvey and Remy), but we were luckily able to fend them off. 
When we had our fill of sand we headed a bit further south to our campsite for the next few days. This is an absolutely incredible spot. Our two sites are next to each other, and our view out the back of both sites overlooks the lake. The boy played half a dozen different games of their own invention while the adults set up, and then we sat down to carnitas tacos for dinner accompanied by Maria's famous margaritas. We ended the night with a few rounds of boardgames (one victory for Dad, and one for Clint).
