Children of Dune pt. 6

Our epic dune story is getting to be almost as long as Mr. Frank Herbert's saga, with only slightly fewer worms. We woke up to another gorgeous day, with plenty of sunshine but slightly lower temperatures than yesterday. Our fast was broken with a bounty provided to us by nature (waffles and egg tacos), and after cleaning up the remnants of last night's dinner we stocked up our packs and went exploring.

Our travels took us around the small lake just behind our campsite, which we eventually circled and then left to head toward the lighthouse. We noted a sign stating tours all day and made a mental note to check in on our way back. 

We descended from the lighthouse into the sand dunes and hiked along the ATV tracks. This area permits ATV traffic so it was a little confusing to try and determine where we could walk and where we couldn't. Eventually we found our way to the road and then over to the beach on the ode. I think we all agreed that we enjoy the dunes more without ATVs. 

At the beach we saw a lot more Velella Velellas, so many in fact that the dogs made a determination that something so plentiful must be edible. We did our best to keep them from eating them. Dad had to reach into Roz's mouth several times. She might be part sea turtle with this appetite for jelly fish that she is displaying. 

We hiked back along along a more direct path and stopped at the lighthouse gift shop to grab tour tickets (no gifts though). The lighthouse tour was brief, but we did get to inside the lighthouse and all the was up to the light. The boys seemed to really enjoy it, especially climbing the circular steps and getting to see all the old pieces of the lamp. There is no longer a lighthouse keeper, but the lamp is now fully automated and runs twenty-four seven. 

A light rain/mist moved in when we got back to camp but that didn't stop bike-man Harvey from getting some good rides in around our camp loop. Harvey and Remy played trucks and also took turns setting up scavenger hunts before sitting down to a delicious pasta dinner. 
