Children of Dune pt. 8

Ahhh! What happened to our weather?!? We woke up to a few inches of snow, and more falling by the minute. 
The forecast had called for snow but it was supposed to be only an hour or twRougho. Luckily we had planned for a mostly indoor morning. Mom got it into her head that she was going to bike to the coffee shop in town, about 10 miles, and she wouldn't be deterred by a little powder. She made it safely (go Mom!) despite the inclement weather, although her clothes were soaked from riding through the slush. Luckily she had thrown a few extra pairs in the truck in preparation. 

Post caffeine drop we went to the high desert museum. We made it just in time for the raptor show and got to see a Rough Legged Hawk up close.
When the raptor show was over we walked through the outdoor portion of the museum, which included a river otter exhibit, a logging settlement, and an exhibit on forest fires. When we headed back inside we walked through desert reptiles exhibit with lots of lizards and tortoises, as well as a Native people exhibit. Dad, Mom, and Remy were all really excited to see the porcupine feeding!
For lunch we drove into town to Monkless brewing, a Belgian style brewery (with no monks, hence the name), where we got to sample some very tasty beers and some great Belgian inspired dishes. They also had some very interesting woodwork in the taproom, and monkish chants playing in the bathroom. 

Totally by surprise (kind of...not really) there was a boardgame store across the street, so we spent the next eight hours doing some shopping (more like 20 minutes).  It was still snowing at this point but we decided to give a family bike ride a try anyway. Harvey was particularly convincing. The sun came out right as we got started, which improved the experience considerably. 
We biked along the river and watched a few folks surfing in the man made rapids right near downtown. It looked exceptionally chilly. 

We had a quick dinner at a Ramen restaurant (we were still full from lunch), and stopped in at a classic video game arcade for a few minutes before heading home. Most of the snow had melted by this time, but who knows what tomorrow will look like. 
