Sheep Encounter Number 3 - 25,000,000

Since I had driven back from the airport, it was decided that I would take the first driving shift. We left Queenstown without any supplies, hoping that most of the towns passed through would have groceries. If we got desperate, New Zealand features 24 hour shops called Dairys which resemble gas station convience stores but also feature a few grocery fruits and vegetables. Immediately after leaving Queenstown we were thrust into uncivilized farmland. All we could see in every direction were rolling green hills, sheep, more green hills, lakes, and more sheep. We cruised on highway 8 towards Wanaka, marvelling at the depth of color that New Zealand offered. Few of the pictures do justice to the stark contrast between the incredibly lush, almost golf course manicured, green fields that coat the gently rolling hills to the white pillow filled blue sky. At this point our sheep craving was satiatied as almost every field is dotted with numerous sheep grazing. The first few fields drew "Wows!" and "Oohs" from the car and required stopping to take pictures, but the sheep soon became part of the scenery, although we still commented on particularly large patches of them. The road took us up to the top of one of the higher hills and despite the incredibly intense wind, we were able to get some excellent pictures of Queenstown from afar. We talked to a couple that appeared to be leftover hobbit extras from Lord of the Rings, and they told us that they were out driving for the day. They had come from Dunedin, which was our eventual destination. The woman, who looked 45ish (but who can tell with hobbits), said that it was her first trip to Queenstown, even though its only a two and a half hour drive. We arrived at Wanaka, snapped a few pictures, and headed to the local brewery, which was, unfortunately, closed, at 3pm. We were not dismayed however, for just around the corner was the world famous STUART LANDSBOROUGH'S PUZZLING WORLD, home of the worlds first modern-style maze.

Puzzling World
