For those of your who were wondering, the World is not flat, and we have not fallen off the end of it. I left my computer behind in Christchurch and Internet cafes have been few and far between so updates are likley going to be sporadic at best for the rest of the month. We've been driving around the North Island in our tiny rent-a-car. It barely holds the both of us and our two suitcases. It's a Toyota Vitz if you're interested in purchasing one for yourself. Retail price, based on my observations, should be $200 or something like that. We've been camping when we can, and staying in Hostels when we can't. I would highly reccomend camping to anyone who is travelling around New Zealand, as all of the Holiday Parks (extremely nice campgrounds) have showers and kitchens. Some even provide dishes for patrons use. While driving through Auckland we were forced to stay in a motel, which in New Zealand is very much like an apartement available for nightly rental. For $90 NZ we got a two bedroom, full bath and kitchen unit. We had tried to find room in a hostel, but all of the ones we stopped at were full. Camping was out of the picture because of heavy rain and continual storm warnings. Needless to say, we made it through the night unscathed, except for the slight lightening of our wallets.